Let’s Leap for Patrick

26 Mar

By now, many of you have probably heard about Patrick, the Pit Bull who was starved and thrown down a garbage chute in New Jersey.  He was rescued on March 16 when a maintenance worker saw a trash bag move and opened it.  It was Patrick, hours away from death (by vets’ estimates, 6-12 hours, to be exact).

He was immediately taken into emergency veterinary care where it wasn’t certain if he’d make it through the night.  But when everyone woke up on March 17–St. Patrick’s Day–they found he had survived.  And so he was christened: Patrick.

Patrick the Miracle Dog

Patrick is healing!

Since that day, Patrick’s received around the clock care and he’s improving every day. Not only that, but he’s garnered the love and support of tens of thousands of people all over the world.  They keep sending in donations, get well cards and gifts, and they keep coming in droves to his Facebook page to wish him well.

And occasionally, they wish his abuser not well.

I can’t say that I blame them.

Now that they’ve publicly identified the alleged perpetrator (along with her woefully inadequate expected sentence), emotions have cranked up even higher.  Animal advocates everywhere want the head of the woman who did this to him.

Again, I can’t say that I blame them.

But instead of staying there–in that place of blame, witch-hunting, and total outrage–a woman named Rachel Wolf has stepped up and literally moved it.  Rachel had the insight, quick-thought (and action), and experience to start another Facebook page–this time, a Cause page.  A page called Patrick’s Law.

Rachel has made a call to all of us out here who are outraged to respond with positive action. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could actually pass a law that would be stronger, mean more, and come with more severe punishment for those who abuse animals, Rachel has asked us?  Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could make a huge, real difference?  Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could get off Facebook and into the streets, city halls, state senates, and capitol buildings to make sure Patrick’s legacy is more than a scrolling status update?

Thousands are answering her with a resounding YES.

I am among them.

Rachel’s not a lawyer or a lobbyist.  She’s not a government official or professional organizer (that I can tell, anyway).

The only difference between her and all the rest of us is that she just did it.  I’m sure there are hundreds of reasons why she shouldn’t have.  Or couldn’t have.  I’m not sure how long those ponderings were in the picture, if at all.  One thing is for sure, though: she leapt into the unknown for Patrick and all of the animals who need this.  For something (and someone) she believes in.  She doesn’t know how, only that she must.  The only difference between her and the rest of us is that she moved.  And now the rest of us are.

Rachel happens to be local to L.A., so she’s looking for people in the area to meet in person for strategy building and planning.  If you’re not in L.A., don’t fret: this girl has a national mission of a chapter in every state, fighting to pass Patrick’s Law—as of yet unwritten legislation that has the potential to change the lives of animals everywhere—so you can contact her to get on the list of movers and shakers in YOUR state to make this happen.

If you’d like to get involved with this grassroots, ground-breaking, and crazy important effort, join up.  All you have to do is move:

The Patrick Miracle Page

Patrick’s Law Page


*Note: she literally JUST bought this URL today, so it’s not set up yet.  The main organizing and communicating is taking place on the Patrick’s Law Facebook page*

5 Responses to “Let’s Leap for Patrick”

  1. KT March 26, 2011 at 9:23 pm #

    Great post Sarah. I’m joining up

    • sarahsypniewski March 26, 2011 at 9:29 pm #

      Awesome, Katie! I know they’ll be glad to have you! Let’s make the most of this opportunity for the animals…xo

    • Lin March 31, 2011 at 3:08 pm #

      Patrick is amazing…I hope this idea takes root in every state and every country.

      • sarahsypniewski March 31, 2011 at 3:22 pm #

        I totally agree, Lin! I think Patrick’s Law has a lot of potential…I think it’s going to be huge and change the lives of millions of animals!

  2. Jon Luskin March 27, 2011 at 8:43 pm #

    poor doggy 😦

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